Thursday, July 2, 2009

Whats the Best Country To Live?

Whats the best country?

The top 5 as per Best County Brand 2008 survey were;


To see the full list visit Best Country 2008.

I am on the list!!! Do you agree with their survey?

Do You Know the 8 Generations of the 20th Century?

These days the news is all about the Baby Boomers retiring, and how Gen X and Gen Y complain! But what of the other generational groups? How many are there?

Head over the Baby Boomer Lifestyle to see the go.

The list doesn't include Generation Jones though - the very group I am part of. For more on them see Generation Jones!

How do you feel about where you sit in the scheme of things. I thought of myself as a 'cusper' until now, but think the Gen Jones tag fits better than being slotted in with the Baby Boomer niche.