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A look at Baby Boomer Lifestyle. Travel, News, Health and Issues that effect the Boomers.
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The baby boom generation marks a group of nearly 20 years where the birth rate rose dramatically and over 77 million babies were born. Since then, the birth rate has returned to normal, but the influx of people into society was astronomical. The baby boom generation has been an important part of the American culture. They have defined many of the current beliefs, became law makers and politicians and have served this country.
However those born between 1946 and 1967 haven't always been given the best monikers. They have been considered self-righteous and self-indulgent being the complete opposites of their parents who sacrificed to make their way in the world.
Baby boomers have fought against the negative stereotypes. Baby boomers lived through a time that was vastly different than any other. They saw pointless wars being fought, destroying lives and family. They fought to relieve their families of poverty while trying to gain education to create a better lifestyle.
The ideals of this generation created The Boomer's Six Commandment. These rules defined what the baby boomer generation was about and how they lived. Most of those born during this era followed these ideals, but not all. Every generation is defined by the circumstances and experiences they have to deal with. Think about everything that happened in those years: Vietnam War, Civil Right Movement and the Energy Crisis.
1. Be trendy and hip. Some think a major problem with the baby boomers is not being able to grow up. This is seen in a variety of ways. There are those who try to reverse the aging problem, which will never put plastic surgeons out of business. Baby boomers sometimes get frozen in their own era, dressing and acting like they have for 20 years. However, there are other baby boomers that move on with the fashion times, wearing and exemplifying what it means to be cool.
2. Being relevant is important, so accept the changes. Everything moves on and even the baby boomers couldn't keep the culture stagnant. They learned wisely that it is more important to accept the culture that is changing around them rather than fight it. This can be seen through many different ideals of the baby boomers.
3. Be an individual. There were so many children born in that time period that it is easy to lump everyone into one category. However, the baby boomers won't allow that. Being an individual is just as important as supporting the greater good. The baby boomers lived through a time of enormous change and have created radical movements that have transformed this country.
4. Create a new history. What happened in the past doesn't seem to matter to baby boomers. Everything they did was done for the first time, at least that is what they all want you to believe. Baby boomers view their generation as a milestone creator leaving no room for any previous generation to have a significant importance. Occasions that happened in the past are just that - history - and have no place their lives.
5. Don't be a sell out. If you become a sell out, you will lose your baby boomer card. Just because they are living the American dream as white, middle-class folks doesn't mean that is what they feel deep down in their heart. They will always be revolutionaries who are willing to change a generation at the drop of a hat.
6. Always question authority. Baby boomers had a difficult time of trusting anyone older than them. It meant they wouldn't listen to cops, priests or their parents. This was the care-free generation who couldn't trust anyone, just each other. Baby boomers didn't follow the rules, they made the rules. They weren't going to be told how to live their lives.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
Looking for baby boomer business ideas? The key to success is to recognize the needs and problems of this generation, and to build a business that will meet their needs or solve their problems.
Baby Boomer Business Ideas, Define The Needs
This generation, born between 1946 and 1964, is entering into retirement at incredible rates. Unfortunately, for many the current economic crisis has put a damper on their plans for the future. Retirement funds have been severely jeopardized, and what was supposed to be a carefree, joyous time in their lives has become a time of stress and worry.
This is a sandwich generation in that many baby boomers are caring for their own children while at the same time caring for their aging parents.
For many baby boomers health is a major concern. As they age, they refuse to give in to being old. Their health and fitness is extremely valuable to them, and they seek out baby boomer products that will help them to look and feel their best.
Baby Boomer Business Ideas, Solve The Problems
Although many baby boomers are in need of extra income, the unemployment rate is skyrocketing. Fortunately, there are many baby boomer business ideas that can be capitalized on by this group. Home based businesses that use the network marketing distribution model have become commonplace, and offer flexibility and great income potential. Since baby boomers health is of major importance to them, the health and wellness industry is a great market for them to get into. Whether you're a boomer or not, you can start a home business in the health and wellness industry, and help boomers to earn an extra income through joining you in business.
Any business that offers services that offer solutions to the issue of parental care will be of great value to the baby boomers. As the boomers continue to age, the value of these type of services will continue to rise. Possible ideas include day care, home visits, shopping and cleaning services, and transportation.
To baby boomers health and fitness are top priorities. They detest the idea of aging, and will do almost anything to ward off the aging process. An entire new industry, coined the wellness industry, has been created to meet these needs. Of all the baby boomer products, those that appeal the most to this generation offer health and wellness benefits.
Baby Boomer Business Ideas, Conclusion
Although the economy may seem to be in disrepair, there are many options available to those who are willing to think outside of the box. The traditional methods of working for a company that will be loyal to its employees are gone, as are many jobs. For those who are open to opportunities, there are many incredible opportunities, and over the next decade there will be millions of new millionaires created. Of these, many will make their fortunes by identifying the needs of the baby boomers and creating baby boomer products or services that will help this aging generation.
To learn how to profit from the enormous buying power of the baby boomer generation visit http://wellness.kjodrey.com For specific details on a business opportunity in the health and wellness industry check out http://customnutrition.kjodrey.com
There are thousands of millions of babies that are born every day. Population of the world is increasing at an exponential rate. The highest recorded increase in the births of children was in the 40s. After World War II, a boom of babies was born every year for about 20 years and the generation was called the generation of baby boomers.
The boomers are concentrated, not only in the United States, but also in countries like Australia too. They transformed the rules of their societies and made a large impact on politics. They also disturbed the established societies of many nations.
Australia, like the States, expects that boomers will cause demographic events and shifts in culture too. Social scientists, demographers, politicians and marketers pay utmost attention to the baby boomers. Now, the boomers are retiring and so, a change in the economy of the country is expected along with the changes in the whole country.
The boomers that are in Australia were born between the years 1946 and 1961, and as per the records, there were about 4 million boomers present in the country. They constitute about 79% of the labor force that is managers, professionals and laborers. The level of their income is high as almost all of them graduated with degrees as well as post-graduate diplomas.
As the majority of baby boomers are working, the country is taking steps to handle their retirements. However, it is obvious that the boomers will continue to work even beyond their ages of retirement. Some may change their careers or even start businesses of their own. Some of them may even become part-time workers. Baby boomers are people who go beyond all boundaries and always wish to make changes.
Australian baby boomers consist of two groups, the trailing edge and the leading edge. The leading edge boomers took advantage of anything that was good in life. They had proper homes, very little debts, and a handsome income and also were powerful. The politics and economy are dominated by them. However, the trailing edge boomers were not given these chances at taking an advantage over things. They were depressed by great losses that occurred to them due to the stock market crash in 1987. They are facing financial crisis and have difficulty even for educating their children. Many of them do not even own a house.
A study concluded that boomers were thrifty and careful as they were nearing retirement. Yet, junior boomers are at an advantage as that habit was built in them long before their seniors realized the value of saving and spending money.
In the gap of 2011-2021, the Australian baby boomers will become inactive due to their frailty. They are about 65 years old now and comprise of a huge percentage in the total population of the country. Hence, a great challenge will pose itself in front of the country and hence, these aging boomers must be provided diverse services by the country.
The generation of boomers is a unique one. Traditional activities for people who are old can not be expected of them. The boomers prefer to remain youthful and for this, they will take part in activities with teenagers who are a generation or two below them.
Education and assertiveness can be found in all baby boomers. They wish to be included in learning of programs and are also open to new technology uses. This clearly opposes the popular belief that oldies do not prefer to use new technologies.
Australia ought to be ready for the generation of baby boomers. The authorities must finalize programs and services for senior baby boomers and must offer them diverse options. They ought to be committed, enthusiastic and innovative. They also should use marketing techniques that are effective in attracting boomers. They love attention and wish to have only the best that is available out of the rest.
Just like other countries inhabited by boomers, Australia will also be subjected to drastic changes as boomers teeter on the edges of their lives. They have been an integral part of their country for a long time, in spite of being notorious and self centered in their youth. Important changes and contributions were made to the country by them and these changes helped a lot in making the countries very prosperous.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
Price: $14.00
Aging baby boomers, who once spend a delightful childhood playing with their favorite toys, are now spending a lot on toys for their grandchildren. This tendency on the part of the baby boomers has helped toy manufacturers make colossal profits.
As per the predictions made by certain consultants, the following four years will see about 10 million grandparents. The number of grandparents increases every year. The largest number of grandparents are those who were born in 1957, a year noted by demographers for its largest number of births.
As per a survey, people above the age of 50 control around 70 percent of the wealth of America. Surveys have also shown that grandparents spend around 500 dollars per year on a single grandchild. The total amount of money that grandparents spend on their grandchildren is 30 million dollars every year. About 25 percent of the toys are, therefore, purchased by grandparents.
Activities of Companies to Attract Baby Boomer Grandparents
According to Kevin Curran, the general manager and senior vice-president of Fisher-Price, the rise in the sale of it toys can be attributed only to the rising number of grandparents. This company manufactures and sells toys that are more old-fashioned than those manufactured by other companies. Toys such as "Little People," about forty-five years old, have broken sales records. Fisher-Price also publishes a magazine called "Loving Your Grandbaby," in a bid to attract aged buyers.
KB Toys has launched the Grandparents' Rewards Club, which aims at sellings toys to grandparents at a 10 percent discount every Tuesday. This sales event is conducted in three venues in Houston--Baybrook, Almeda, and Willowbrook malls. KB toys developed this sales strategy because it was very much aware that a large segment of its consumers comprised baby boomer grandparents.
Sababa Toys aims at bringing back classic toys to the market in order to attract baby boomer grandparents. Sababa products include Grandparent's Treasure Chest Scrapbook, wood puzzles, and toys that promote learning such as Big Brain Academy and Brain Age.
How Do Boomer Grandparents Select Toys?
Baby boomer grandparents prefer toys of a certain category. They are interested in toys that promote learning and creativity, especially in art and music, toys that evoke memories of the past such as Price's Telephone and Snoopy Sniffer, and also contemporary toys such as Kid-Tough Digital Camera, a technology-driven toy that enables grandchildren to send digital photographs via e-mail to their grandparents while they are on holiday. Baby boomer grandparents are more comfortable with modern technology than any other generation. They are at ease when they purchase modern, technology-driven gadgets.
Some baby boomer grandparents take special care in selecting the toys they want their grandchildren to have. They rightly realize that children appreciate gifts such as Internet games, iPods, and CDs. However, baby boomer grandparents are not that particular about purchasing these items because they know that the kids will get it anyhow. Baby boomer grandparents are more particular about their grandchildren experiencing the same type of childhood they once enjoyed--exploring the environment, playing social games, and riding bikes with family members.
Unique Nature of Baby Boomer Grandparents
While parents give children toys in order to promote learning and creativity, baby boomer grandparents wish to promote learning in their grandchildren in unique ways They want to instil in their grandchild a love of nature and an awareness of global issues. They want to give quality time to their grandchildren so that the kids would learn about the value of family. During the kids birthdays or at Christmas, they prefer to purchase toys such as science project kits.
The generation of baby boomers has a unique history. Since the parents of baby boomers had just survived the Second World War, they wanted to ensure a safe and happy life for their chidren. Now, the grandchildren and children of these baby boomers have the best that life can offer them. Baby boomer grandparents wish to gift toys to their grandchildren as a means of going back to their own childhood days.
The character of baby boomers is just as unique as their history. They desire their grandchildren to focus on achievements and education. Baby boomers went to college and got a college degree with a strong belief that anything is possible in life. They have taught the same attitude toward life to their grandchildren too.
The toy industry in now targeting baby boomer grandparents more and more. Their love for their grandchildren, their affluence, and the fact that they have spent their money more powerfully than any other generation in the history of America are reasons for this.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
A baby boomer is a person who was born during the post Second World War years, an age marked by an unusually high number of births and a rise in economic prosperity. An estimated 79 million babies are believed to be baby boomers.
In the United States, the term "baby boomer" also refers to people whose date of birth comes prior to the Vietnam war and after the Second World War. Therefore, baby boomers in America might belong to one or more generation. "Baby boom" is a special term that embraces not just the population, but also the American culture.
1. Classifying Baby Boomers
Baby boomers are classified in a number of ways. Steve Gallion, author of Boomer Nation, puts baby boomers into two categories: those born between 1945-1957 and "Shadow Boomers" born between 1958-1963.
Many people don't consider "Shadow Boomers" as an apt term to be used with reference to baby boomers. Instead, they prefer the term "Echo Boomers."
William Strauss and Neil Howe, authors of Generations, opine that those born between 1961 and 1964 impact political as well as cultural patterns, just like those born between 1955 and 1960.
The writers also mention a "thirteenth generation," called "Generation X" or the "generation of Cold War" referring to people born between 1961 and 1981.
Some are of the opinion that the generation of baby boomers originated during the Vietnam war. At the same time, many people believe that musical groups such as the Beatles, Hippies, and the Motown Sounds are characteristic of the age of the baby boomers.
2. Explaining the Baby Boomer Phenomenon
The Great Depression and the Second World War created great fear and uncertainty. A number of unmarried people were forced to put off their marriages. On the other hand, married couples had to delay giving birth to a baby.
After the Second World War, the economy of the country improved. The period between 1950 and 1960, marked as it was by economic prosperity, was the right time for the birth of a number of babies, which led to a "Baby Boom." Baby boom is also simultaneous with a boom in the construction of buildings such as houses, schools, and shopping malls.
The rise in population and the growth of families prompted mass migration of people from cities to suburbs during the years that following the Second World War. National culture also received an outlet as reflected in the appearances of baby boomers when they entered into their youth. The culture of the nation was defined by the way they dressed, wore their hair, their political ideology, and even the type of music they preferred.
As the baby boomers grew older, their purchasing power grew, and a variety of companies could make large profits. When they reached the age of retirement, the resources of the public were almost depleted.
3. Baby Boomers in their Old Age
We have an interesting assortment of highly educated, spoiled, lazy, immoral, hippie, and many more types of baby boomers. All of them are now aged fifty or above and can be considered as senior citizens.
According to the ABC News report of January 10, baby boomers have succeeded in redefining the term "aging." Compared to the generation that preceded them, baby boomers are better educated and healthy and have a unique passion for life. They are expected to live to a ripe old age of 80 or even beyond it.
Undoubtedly, the age of the baby boomers that began with a raised birth rate and a heightened economy during the post Second World War period is remarkable.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
Everybody loves music; it pleases as well as relaxes. It helps you unwind and relax at the end of a long and stressful day at work. Listening to music gives you the rest and relaxation that you badly need. It also takes your mind off stressful thoughts and ideas.
No wonder that music is an inseparable aspect of the American culture. A number of people turn on the music in a bid to concentrate better on their work. Some enjoy exercising to the accompaniment of music. Some listen to their favorite tunes after a long and stressful day at work.
Why does music have such an effect on our minds and bodies? Studies have revealed that people who work as they listen to music or listen to music at the end of a tiring day exhibit more productivity at work. Experts suggest that people improve their power of concentration by listening to music. Music blocks the stressful elements in your immediate atmosphere. It also provides a sense of joy as you work and, therefore, makes you more productive.
The time of the baby boomers is marked by rich developments in classical music. If you are a fan of the Beatles, you are a fan of music from the era of the baby boomers. The songs of famous singers, such as John Lennon, based on the Vietnam war and longing for peace also spring from the baby boomer time.
What is commonly considered to be "hippie music" also belongs to the time of the baby boomers. Another genre than enjoyed great popularity during the times of the baby boomers is Rhythm and Blues. The most popular Rhythm and Blues baby boomer artists were Sounds of Philadelphia, Motown, Memphis, and so on.
Music really flourished during the times of the baby boomers. Acoustic music enjoyed great popularity during this time, and artists such as Boz Scaggs, Crosby, Nash and Young, Simon Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell, Stills, and many more enjoyed great fame and popularity.
Modern music was born in the age of baby boomers. Great baby boomer artists have become musical legends of today. Modern music, be in Rhythm and Blues or Rock, is strongly influenced by baby boomer music.
If you are a fan of Rock and Roll or Motown Sounds, purchase a CD of baby boomer classical music. If you prefer classical music in the genre of Rock and Roll, go in for the music of Led Zeppelin, Ramones, and other hot stars of the baby boomer times.
Are you a jazz lover? If you are, listen to baby boomer jazz artists such as George Benson, Dave Koz, Sade, Spyro Gyra, the Rippingtons, and many more.
You can purchase baby boomer music from your local stores; it is still available. Modern technology can convert your baby boomer LP vinyl disc into a digital format so that it could be burned into a CD. You can listen to your LP by converting it to a CD.
The timeless baby boomer musical classics are the best music you can get your hands on. It will not only relax you, but will also transport you to the times of these artists.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
Price: $19.95
Despite adequate measures of birth control taken by couples and the increased education about population control sent out to the public, the aftermath of the Second World War and the relief over having survived the worst of it, lead to many persons working harder at building their lives around the new times.
The result of this was definite and sustained economic growth and consequently, it was easier to have babies and take care of them due to the directionally proportional sense of confidence and prosperity enjoyed by the generation of young couples at the time.
Babies born after WW-II, specifically between '46 to '64 were thus, termed Baby Boomers (since population was booming in every corner of the world) and the United States was foremost in the strong economies of the world, thus helped boost that of other countries, which resulted in a greater than expected boost for different nations. This did slow down after 1958, but it had already done a world of good, literally, to the financial status of many nations.
Baby boomers were further defined by the increased opportunities that were given to them by way of having been born in a time that bespoke economic growth and sustained success for parents who could, in turn, pass these on to the children so education was never a matter of struggle. Most baby boomers, thus, hold college degrees - some even double degrees and these highly qualified people have the cream of jobs available to them. They are therefore able to raise their families better, keep them in comfort if not entirely in luxury and also tend to be go-getters, in the best sense of the term.
However, many baby boomers, due to the fact that they are over-achievers in a way, tend to be domineering and bossy individuals who overshadow (and like to do so, too) others around them, sometimes without being conscious they are doing so; this is largely because they got too much, too soon. But, for these kinds of baby boomers, there is also a large percentage of relatively peaceful, gracious and social beings in the world of business too.
A deeper look into the life of baby boomers will have us know there is still another category within this unique, highly successful and free-spirited generation i.e. that of shadow boomers - babies born between 1958 and 1963 (also known as echo boomers). Close to 79 million of baby boomers were born during this time and were generally known to exhibit certain ethnicity and political patterns in their outlook and behavior. This lead most of them to being very hot-headed and argumentative and a newer generation followed them, tagged as Gen 'x'.
Hard to tag, difficult to handle and with set tastes in habits, holding strong opinions and exhibiting characteristic behavior patterns of leaders and winners, the baby boomers is a generation of the 60's that conflicted with parents on issues of fashion, politics, fine arts and drug use with their defiant stance of shunning accepted social norms.
It was this generation that popularized the phrase of not trusting anyone over 30 and threw light on a generation gap existing between them (the now generation) and the older lot (the old-timers). Rebels, revolutionaries and radicals all came under the baby boomer category that a common representative of the baby boomer generation would be the punk rock-star youngster, speaking of free love and power besides those flaunting established moral ideas as archaic.
On the whole, the term baby boomers applies to a generation that firmly believes in doing what they like, achieving what they want and being assertive about their needs - thanks to a high sense of prosperity and security.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Page Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
The term 'baby boomer' is the name given to the generation of people who were born right after the 2nd world war. That time of history saw over 70 million (70,000,000) Americans born to American citizens in the US. It really was a baby boom and the name stuck to anyone born during the baby boom years.
All those Americans born during the baby boom and are still living will now be in the age group of 42 to 60. This generation still plays a significant role in every political election in the country. And here in lies their power and importance, baby boomers plays a very important part in post-WW2 American history and have uplifted their generation to greater levels.
Economic statistics are proof that all baby boomers in their 50's earn approximately 2 trillion U.S. Dollars. That accounts for over 77% of all the financial assets in America. As if that was not enough of an achievement baby boomers have more than 50% discretionary authority in private organizations as well as in government.
What is of importance is that the baby boomer generation is now facing the issue of retirement since they are reaching superannuation. Financial constraints of retired life are the least of their worries, baby boomers are facing the emotional problem of dealing with the 'empty nest syndrome' - the feeling that takes over when their children grow up and go out to make a life of their own - on their own.
The empty nest syndrome sets in the same scenario when the baby boomer was newly married and setting out in life himself or herself. The difference is that this time round they have expended all energies and their youth is gone too. The baby boomer may deal with their emotions fairly well because they know they are looked up to and have to live up to their brand name - "The Independent Generation".
A poll that was conducted especially for baby boomers uncovered some very important points that are listed here:
1. The name of the baby boomer generation was drawn from the baby boom that followed the 2nd world war. All those born during the baby boom are called baby boomers.
2. Baby boomers currently account for 28 percent of the American population.
3. By 1957 it is believed that Americans gave birth to 4,300,000 (4.3 million) babies. It was in this year that the most babies were ever born in the United States.
4. Baby boomers look at superannuation with a positive vision rather than a depressed view. Many of the baby boomers plan to set up some profession or business even after retiring. Self employment is the choice for a majority of baby boomers. Over 75% of the baby boomers want to also spend quality time with their families and mostly their grand children.
5. 50% of all the baby boomers are more than sure they will have adequate finances to enjoy a leisurely retired life, vacationing abroad is included.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Page Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
The old, traditional idea is that senior citizens do not have to work; they can sit back and enjoy the fruits of years of labor while the young take care of them. The generation of baby boomers created a long of change in the world. Now they are drawing closer to the age of retirement and soon will be retiring in large numbers. Is it possible to imaging them spending a leisurely life at home, doing nothing?
The generation of baby boomers is know for their uniqueness. They have redefined and reshaped several aspects of social culture. They made their presence felt in the past, and they will surely do so again in the future. Right from the beginning, baby boomers have thought differently and made different types of choices and decisions. Getting old has not changed them in any way.
Close to retirement, they are faced with making a big personal choice again. They have to either retire in the traditional way or continue in the workforce. Being a baby boomer, he or she will probably prefer to remain in the workforce as long as possible. In fact, about 76 percent of working baby boomers intend to extend their stay in the workforce although they have reached the age of retirement.
Most senior citizens consider retirement as the end . However, baby boomers consider it to be the most important phase of their lives. This does not mean that baby boomers want to continue working at a nine-to-five job till the end of their lives. Some of them would prefer to work part-time, and others want to pursue their dreams of starting an enterprise of their own. Some baby boomers want to take a break and enjoy a life of leisure after working for so many years; others would love to travel because, after all, they have made enough money to spend on travelling.
Several external factors have shaped these decisions made by baby boomers. For one, baby boomers comprise the largest section of the population. America's labor force will be greatly depleted if they retire in large numbers, and the state will find it extremely difficult to pay out so many retirement benefits. The other consequences of boomer retirements are:
Boomers are expected to live long because of the development made by technology and medical science. However, if boomers live longer, they have to spend more, and their retirement funds may not be enough to take care of all their requirements.
Companies that offer pension plans are planning to change their plans and lower retirement benefits to employees. Since boomers are already close to retirement, this leaves them with little time save for their life in the future.
Medical costs are soaring. Companies expect a ten percent annual increase of boomers seeking medical products or services where they can save or pay on medical costs or services.
These factors greatly influence a baby boomer's decision. They can't depend on their children because their children might have their own families to take care of. Baby boomer retirement, therefore, is a cause for concern not only for baby boomers, but also for the sate.
Baby boomers impact the country's economy in a large way. They were responsible for the rapid rise of American economy when they were working and spending powerfully back in the nineties. When they quit the workforce in large numbers, the country's economy is bound to suffer. The United States and other countries are now faced with this powerful challenge. And companies and organization have already come up with some solutions.
Baby boomers are more interested in self-welfare than in anything else. A boomer does not really take the other into consideration while he or she makes a decision. If baby boomers decide to extend their stay in the workforce or quit and start businesses of their own, no force on earth can convince them to change their mind.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.
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?The inclusion of China Airlines in our network will solidify SkyTeam?s unrivalled presence in the Greater China market, a region that continues to experience significant economic growth,? said Chairman of the SkyTeam Governing Board, Leo van Wijk. ?In addition to the services provided by our existing members, China Airlines offers an extensive cross-strait operation, linking Taiwan to multiple major destinations in China. Also, Taipei will serve as an alternative Asian hub with services to and from key business destinations in the region.?
Managing Director of SkyTeam Marie-Joseph Mal?, said, ?We are honored and delighted to welcome China Airlines in our midst. We now enter a phase where China Airlines will work closely together with the current members to establish bilateral agreements and fulfill the more than 100 membership requirements. We rely in particular on our Asian members to use their advanced experience in the alliance to guide China Airlines in the joining process and expect our newest member to effectively join SkyTeam around mid-2011.?The China Airlines network will complement those of Guangzhou-based China Southern and Shanghai-based China Eastern. Cooperation between these three SkyTeam family members will further consolidate SkyTeam?s strong position in Greater China.SkyTeam will greatly benefit from expanding its regional network in the region. Out of the 93 international routes, China Airlines will bring four new destinations to the network; Okinawa, Miyazaki, Surabaya and Palau.Are you over 40 with a career that doesn't excite you? Many baby boomers report "feeling like a rat on a wheel in their lives". I'm a baby boomer too and I'm fed up with hearing all the excuses other baby boomers keep coming up as to why they haven't done anything about "their situation?". You can take control and that's what this is about.
50 and Counting...
This article is designed for you if you're over fifty and you're looking to get even a little more excitement and enjoyment out of life. After fifty, most boomers are faced with different types of situations that end up making life a little bit more challenging than it used to be. What are you looking for? Is it a different place to go on vacation? Are you interested in ways to stay fit? Maybe you're seeking to meet new friends, there are different ways to find value in making the most of your leisure time. All in all, you should see new places, make new friends and enjoy being past fifty!
Many baby boomers approaching the other side of fifty see it as an adventure as opposed to a handicap. They're actually comfortable being "silver" and are actively planning to enjoy this period of their life. As baby boomers, we're far from ready for the old rocking chair. We're still very active, adventurous, and independent too. It's a fact that baby boomers are the largest group of new web users. We're also the largest group of new "netpreneurs". Last time I did some research into the topic I discovered that boomers are some of the most successful new entrepreneurs and netpreneurs because of their adequate financial resources, experience and ability to focus and take action
Take Advantage of New Found Freedom If you haven't already done so, you should consider taking advantage of your new freedom to start your own business doing something you enjoy. Some people want to put off retirement until seventy, while many others want to purchase their dream home and play tennis or golf every day. Regardless of the choice, a majority of baby boomers plan to keep pretty active after fifty for quite some time, doing what makes them happy. That's what you should aim for too.
Once you get to the fifty-age mark, it's a naturally good time to reinvent your social life. Statistics show that quite a high proportion of baby boomers are divorced, widowed or just what's known as "empty nesters" with one mission: to enjoy life in ways that weren't possible before. Now that the chance exists and you have the chance, you'll want to take advantage of the opportunity to do things your way for once. Quite a large number of people seek out new buddies, romance and friends. With the advent of social networking sites its very easy link up with baby boomers your age with whom you share common interests. Senior Friend Finder is one of such sites.
The Secret To Really Enjoying Life After Fifty
It''s a well known fact that enjoying life and keeping fit are the true keys to eliminating or reducing stress.
Many baby boomers face the widespread problem of achieving these goals because of not having the money you need to enjoy life and be happy. If that's your situation, you're not alone and I know how painful it is after retirement if you can't realize the dream you've worked your whole life to enjoy.
There's a solution available for this problem developed by a baby boomer, someone with real-life experience and knowledge. It's a guide for baby boomers on how-to achieve financial independence online. The solution was created through quite a lot of trial and error and very hard work. You can take advantage of this knowledge because it's appreciated how desperate this stress can make any person.
Download a free report [http://www.thequickfacts.com/baby-boomers-live-the-dream-free-report.htm] now on how-to secure your future and learn more about the simple steps to achieving financial independence. As a person who has spent a good number of years working you deserve to be able to start living your dream.
You'll be glad you did. Its certainly information that I'm grateful I found.
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Firstly one has to understand all about baby boomers and who exactly they are. These are actually those who were born within the period starting from 1946 to 1964. The name baby boomers came in because of the high birth rate in this period. As a statistical fact, there was an addition of 78 million births in that period.
Nowadays our very own baby boomers are turning into their middle age. Today or so they turn 50 years in age as frequently as every 7 seconds.
The birth period of these baby boomers as they are called is set in the period of high social strife of civil rights protest and the gory scene of the cold war. This has resulted in them having distinct cultural and political patterns in their characters. This is the very baby boomer generation which made the United States of America what it is today. It was the baby boomer generation who paved and led the way on to a modern living. The fact that these boomers came of age in a period of high social tension like the civil rights protest made them well aware of the political and social tensions that the country faced then.
Who were the leading protesters in the Vietnam issue and also in the case of the draft? Baby boomers! Not just that but also the fact that this was the very generation which revolutionized the rock and roll music like the Beatles, Motown Sounds and the Beats.
The time of the baby boomers was when the Americans emerged as super powers and their main enemies were the socialists and communists, one can not fail to notice how these people's very view on governmental policies, military were so different from that of the rest of the world.
Even today the baby boomer heroes of yesteryear continue to protest against social malfunctions such as unemployment off late. This is mainly because of the fact that during their period unemployment was not at all heard of, provided one is Caucasian and one is not unwilling to work.
Now the baby boomers form a large part of the industrial, cultural, academic and political leadership in the US. Actually George Bush and Bill Clinton, two very important presidents in America's front, were indeed born in the period of the baby boomers.
Clearly one can notice that it is the baby boomers are the one leading nations today. Looking in at the administration of the Clinton and the Bush period one can notice the common ideologies that was implemented. Both their schemes concentrated on civil rights and more emphasis was given to reformation of the military.
One also observes that the two presidents have also been working to increase the rate of the economy of their country, in which they have succeeded well too. They have tried to improve the standard of living. They have always been working to make the life of every American easier to live. This is mainly because of the strong cultural and civic influence they had in their childhood.
So whenever you are treated well and you are given your fundamental and civil rights on due and are respected you should think of all those baby boomers who have made it possible right from their era. The baby boomers have well laid down the way to a better living thus making the United States of America one of the most sought after places to live in today.
Abhishek has got some great Baby Boomer Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "All About Baby Boomers" from his website http://www.Senior-Guides.com/124/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.