BoomerPreneurs: How Baby Boomers Can Start Their Own Business, Make Money and Enjoy Life is both a book you will enjoy reading as well as your roadmap to a future as an entrepreneur. BoomerPreneurs guides you through the business start-up process and the challenges of starting a business at 50 or 60+ years of age rather than 25 or 35. It is a guide for Baby Boomers who are looking for life on their own terms after years in corporate America or for a way to make money and enjoy their retirement years--retirees, soon-to-be retirees, downsized workers, the unretired and those who always dreamed of owning their own business. In BoomerPreneurs you follow this 4-step process to business start-up: Step 1 What Should Baby Boomers Consider Before Starting a Business? Step 2 Recognize the Opportunity That's Right for You and the Marketplace Step 3 Refine Your Idea and Do Your Research Step 4 Determine Business Viability and Get Started. Along the way you'll receive tips from successful entrepreneurs, read the motivational stories of numerous entrepreneurs who started businesses at 50 plus years of age and work your way through checklists and action steps to develop your own success plan. BoomerPreneurs offers you the lessons you'd learn from a business start-up coach in a handy text format you can read, take notes in, and refer to repeatedly.
Price: $25.95
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